Royal Enfield Factory Tour

Whether you are a bike enthusiast or not...It doesn't matter. This is an experience which every individual should live at least once.

Royal Enfield factory visit is something you should not miss on.


Royal Enfield conducts factory tours for all enthusiasts, seeking to soak in the ambience of the factory that still manufactures the Royal Enfield Bullet 350 and the Classic along with other models. Factory tours will be open on second and fourth Saturdays only. The factory tour registration starts at 9:00 AM, followed by a de-briefing on RE at 9:30 AM. The Factory tour starts at 10:00 AM sharp. Each tour will cost Rs. 600 per person(*The registration fees may change as per management’s discretion. The same will be notified on the website), which is payable at the reception, while registering for the tour.

To register, Login to and submit your request. You can see the available dates which can be booked as per your convinience.

P.S. We registered on 26-05-2014 and got the slot for 22-11-2014. We almost waited for 6 months to get the slot.


Have you ever thought, from where our "Bullet"got it's name? Well here is the story:

Mid-19th century England. The firm of George Townsend & Co., flitting from one opportunity to another, chanced upon the pedal-cycle trade.

Little did they know they were on the cusp of something that would last over a century and longer.

Soon, George Townsend & Co. were manufacturing their own brand of bicycles. In 1893, they became the Enfield Manufacturing Company Limited, under which they made motorcycles, bicycles, lawnmowers and stationary engines. The legacy of weapons manufacture is reflected in the logo, a cannon, and their motto "Made like a gun, goes like a bullet".

And so, a legendary brand was born.

CNC machines: used for engine boring

Engine Assembly: Where all engine components are brought together to create the the heart of your bike- The Engine.


The Royal Enfield is famous for its unique handcrafted build. No one can complain that Royal Enfield doesn't make them like they used to. In India, the motorcycle bike manufacturer is still busily cranking out machines just the way it always has, right down to their hand-painted tanks. It's difficult to fathom that once not so long ago, every motorcycle and car on the road was available with hand-painted details.

With changing tastes and the arrival of vinyl and computerized vinyl cutters, that art has all but vanished from fashion. These days, those who can apply paint with a steady and skilled hand are masters of a dying art.

Workers at the Royal Enfield plant have been kind enough to show off what goes into painting the company's beautifully pinstriped tanks. We have to admire the genuine investment the artist has in his work, as well as the pride he so obviously takes in the finished product. The 2 brothers are amazing craftsmen who paint the Tank with clean strokes of the brush error free.

Then comes coating and Teflon polishing. This gives the tank a mirror shine..!!

Finally, The 'ROYAL' looking Royal Enfield badge is placed on the tank!

Now comes the final section of putting everything together to give birth to the mean machine, the Vehicle Assembly:

The Strong chassis or the frame of the bike which holds everything together.

The export models are currently all based on the 500 cc UCE (all fuel injected): Bullet Classic in UK/Bullet C5 in USA and the Electra in UK/Bullet G5 in the USA.

So basically with just 2 engine platforms [1] Carbureted 350 cc UCE and [2] Fuel Injected 500 cc UCE, Royal Enfield has streamlined its entire lineup. In fact currently the demand for Royal Enfield models is so high in India that models like the Classic 350/500 have a 10 month waiting period..!!

Got a chance to get a photograph with the vehicles being exported abroad :-D

After this tour, I realized that Royal Enfield is not just a bike... It's a way of life..!!

And finally a different look of my Machismo :-)


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